Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Charlie's First Haircut

When Charlie came to us in May, his fur was fairly short so I didn't feel it was necessary to clip him for summer when I clipped Genny.  Considering the heat wave last week, though, I decided that an inch and a half of fur was probably at least an inch more than he needed in this weather.  So, out came the scissors.

At first, he took the rabbit attitude to anything new:  he froze and hoped it would go away.

As it became clear that he was not going to be flayed alive, however, he started looking around, scratching the tabletop and then relieved himself.

I put him down and he ran over to Genny's cage and wouldn't come back.  That pesky Y chromosome ....

When I finally got him back on the table, he was squirmy and excited and refused to hold still.  After multiple attempts to jump off the table, I decided that we both were out of patience with this endeavor.  I gave him a pineapple treat and put him back in his hutch with an apple branch to chew.
This is a far as we got ....  Looks like he's wearing a skirt!

I got a good bit of silky angora wool, but it's pretty short.  I doubt if I can spin it -- but it may be good for felting.  I'll have to look into that.


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